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Nature Premium explained

The campaign calls for a Nature Premium to fund regular nature experiences for every child.

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"We believe that the Nature Premium would improve children’s mental and physical well-being after lockdown and demonstrate a positive investment in their future development as part of the Green Recovery."
Lily Horseman, Chair of the Forest School Association

The campaign is independent of any organisation but is underwritten by the Forest School Association, it is managed by volunteers who have seen how children benefit from playing in nature.

More on the Nature Premium

Research from Natural England and academics has demonstrated that time in nature:

  • improves children's mental and physical well-being
  • results in happier and healthier children
  • builds resilience and sets the children up ready to learn
  • actively engages the next generation to build nature-centric communities

The Nature Premium, using the Sports Premium model, will engage children and young people in protecting and promoting biodiversity, supporting the development of the UK's natural capital for future economic gain.

How to get involved:

You can

  • sign the petition
  • talk to your MP
  • spread the word

Go to for more information.


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