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Key Forest School organisations

National organisations & key websites supporting the delivery of Forest School to Early Years, Primary children and more.

Outdoor Hub

Forest School providers

FSA Recognised Forest School Provider Scheme

This national scheme has been created by the FSA as a benchmarking and development tool that sets the minimum professional standard for Forest School provision.

Individuals or settings who are recognised as part of this scheme have demonstrated that they are providing Forest School programmes in line with all 6 core Forest School principles.

  • To become a Recognised Forest School Provider click here.
  • To find a FSA Recognised Forest School Provider click here.

Other related organisations

Not strictly Forest School, but with a similar ethos…

See also

Forest education approaches

Links to Forest School and Forest School-type organisations offering support & resources for holistic outdoor play & learning and engaging with nature.

See also our extensive Forest School page.

Read More about Forest education approaches
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