Nature connection article & tips
Is your practice nature connection or nature contact? And does it matter?
Forest School practitioner & trainer Louise Ambrose considers.
From The Outdoor Practitioner magazine, Autumn 2021.
A comprehensive reference section on Nature Deficit Disorder and the importance of nature connection - one of the key components of Forest School - with research & reports, guides & articles, video and more.
Research, reports, news items etc, are, as much as possible, arranged in chronological order, most recent at the top
Nature connection article & tips
Is your practice nature connection or nature contact? And does it matter?
Forest School practitioner & trainer Louise Ambrose considers.
From The Outdoor Practitioner magazine, Autumn 2021.
7 ways to deepen your connection with nature Muddy Faces OP3
Forest School practitioner & trainer Louise Ambrose reflects on thankfulness & nature connection and offers 5 tips for sharing gratitude practices with children.
This article appeared in issue 4 of the Outdoor Practitioner - our free online magazine.
Click a page to scroll through or download the article below.
The Healing Power of Gratitude
Review of literature on young people's connectedness with nature and how it relates to their well-being and stewardship
behaviour; research on how young people cope with information about large-scale environmental problems; and practices to sustain hope.
Louise Chawla in People and Nature, 13 June 2020. Click below to download pdf
Chawla People and Nature 2020 Childhood nature connection and constructive hope A review of research on connecting
Connecting to nature
Links to organisations & projects whose ethos is about getting children and families outside and connecting with nature.
Read More about Connecting to natureBenefits of Forest School
Forest School benefits children from Early Years & Primary right up to adulthood. But what actually is the impact of regular child-led outdoor play and learning & spending time in nature?
The benefits are many and far-reaching, but also difficult to measure. Below we list some, but by no means all, of the benefits of Forest School on various aspects of a person’s life or development.
Scroll down to find out more about evaluating work outdoors.
Read More about Benefits of Forest SchoolResearch, reports: health, wellbeing
Evidence for the benefits to children of outdoor play and learning & spending time in nature.
Arranged in chronological order, most recent at the top
Read More about Research, reports: health, wellbeing