Specialist shop for Outdoor Play, Learning & Forest School
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Read The Outdoor Practitioner here:
The Outdoor Practitioner magazine
Grown in the UK
We strive to supply sustainable alternatives to plastic play and learning resources
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We love mud!
Explore our mud page - full of inspiration and activity ideas for bringing mud play and messy play into your setting. And don't forget Mud Day on 29 June!
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Being outdoors and connecting to nature has massive health and restorative effects. Reasons To Be Outdoors makes the case that young children must be able to play outside a great deal, every single day, throughout their childhood years. Why should young children be outdoors so much?
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Fire and cooking
Sitting around a campfire warming your hands on a warm drink creates an atmosphere that encourages calm social interaction, entertainment and art. We have a massive range of fire related products in our Shop. and ideas, activities and recipes in our Outdoor Hub.
Bread on a stick
Loose parts
Den building
'Young children need outdoor play. When given the choice, the outdoors is where most children want to be and play outdoors is what they most want.’
Jan White - Playing and Learning Outdoors

Curriculum Learning
Outdoor learning is so beneficial for children and young people, you can utilise the outdoors to satisfy most if not all areas of National Curriculum all you need is confidence to take your class or group outdoors and some basic resources and seasonal clothing.
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