Research & reports on risk
Balancing & managing risk in play; reports, research, reviews & official statements.
Reports & research documents are, as much as possible, arranged in chronological order, most recent at the top
References and further reading mentioned in the Risky Play issue of the Outdoor Practitioner magazine.
Explore risky play outdoors from all sorts of perspectives, with reflective articles, practical guides, expert opinions and top tips from experienced outdoor practitioners including Kathryn Solly, Nikki Buchan, Dr Mel McCree, Tim Gill, Lou Ambrose and Matt Harder, trustee of FSA.
Mentioned in or related to Mel's article and interviews
The Comfort, Stretch, Panic model
Comfort, Stretch And Panic Zones In Social Skills Development
Youtube: An Introduction to Karl Rohnke’s Comfort/Stretch/Panic Model
Categorising risky play - how can we identify risk-taking in children’s play?
Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter
Children in Wild Nature
A Practical Guide to Nature-based Practice
Adventurous Play
Co-author STEM Detectives
Child’s Play: Examining the Association Between Time Spent Playing and Child Mental Health Helen Dodd
Categorising risky play - how can we identify risk‐taking in children's play?
Is the Catch-up Programme fit for purpose? (p3)
Youtube: Forest School Lou
Prof. Miles Richardson, Finding Nature Research Blog: Beyond Nature Contact to Connection: A Missing Link in a Sustainable and Worthwhile Life
Tom Senninger, The Learning Zone Model
Frontiers for Young Minds, Have No Fear, the Brain is Here! How Your Brain Responds to Stress
Design and technology programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2. National curriculum in England
Outdoor risky play and healthy child development in the shadow of the ‘risk society’: A forest and nature school perspective
Tim Gill, Rethinking Childhood
Vicki Stewart, Brightwood Training
Sam Goddard, Cambium Sustainable
Research & reports on risk
Balancing & managing risk in play; reports, research, reviews & official statements.
Reports & research documents are, as much as possible, arranged in chronological order, most recent at the top
Books on risk
Further reading on risk from the Muddy Faces bookshop and beyond.
Read More about Books on riskRisk-Benefit Assessments
An introduction to the concept of risk benefit assessments, plus sample documents & templates (with a particular focus on mud kitchens) & links to risk assessment resources from other organisations.
Read More about Risk-Benefit Assessments