Guides and information on composting at school, with children, or at home.
Read More about CompostHow-tos, guides & manuals for starting an inspiring and productive growing or gardening project in your school or outdoor setting.
Arranged, as much as possible, in chronological order, most recent first
Also from Learning Resources
Guides and information on composting at school, with children, or at home.
Read More about CompostCreating an outdoor setting
Guides, reports, studies and projects offering insights into designing, creating or improving your outdoor setting to provide safe, inspiring, accessible opportunities to play and learn outdoors.
Arranged, as much as possible, in chronological order.
Read More about Creating an outdoor settingGrowing & gardens websites
Signposting you to the main national bodies, key organisations, initiatives and websites in the world of growing, gardening and horticultural therapy outdoors.
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