Celebrating some of our favourite outdoor-related books & their inspirational authors.
Danish outdoor practitioner Rikke Rosengren, her book Child of Nature and a video of Rikke talking about her book.
Rikke Rosengren is the manager and co-founder of Bonsai, a Waldorf education house, forest kindergarten and nursery in Denmark. Rikke has a professional education as a kindergarten teacher, specializing in Waldorf education, and has worked and taught in the field for many years, as well as having published several books.
This book evolves around the importance of nature as a healthy and stimulating environment for children's development. Nature has a unique potential as a platform for children to grow and experiment. The book emphasizes the immanent curiosity of the child and its natural need for movement and how we can optimize the conditions for children's development outdoors. The possibility of both risky play and sensuous stimulation that nature provides for us, supports the health-promoting pedagogical foundation that is necessary for the healthy development of the child.
The book is relevant for parents and professionals as well as others that might have an interest in the multiple ways in which nature benefits human development.
It is my pleasure to recommend this book, which in an inspiring and professional way tells how you can awaken children’s interest for nature, and at the same time increase their understanding of themselves.Kjeld Fredens, Physician, brain-scientist and senior professor at Institute for Learning and Philosophy, University of Aalborg, Denmark.
The book provides an informative guide to forest kindergartens and includes details on free play, risk taking, the adults' role, Waldorf education, and day-to-day practicalities. It is full of beautiful pictures of children in nature.Team Muddy Faces
Celebrating some of our favourite outdoor-related books & their inspirational authors.
Nature & nature connection
Books, guides & useful websites, Nature Connection & Nature Deficit, research, reports & videos.
Useful websites: nature
Signposting you to the main national bodies, key organisations, initiatives and websites in the world of sustainability, environment, nature & conservation outdoors.
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