Blackberry & apple jam
Mmmm... what's not to like?! A traditional jam recipe for foraged fruits.
Read More about Blackberry & apple jamA collection of blackberry nature activities, including recipes and some great art & craft ideas.
Last August we saw some brilliant blackberry activity ideas so we wanted to put them together in this Inspirations page.
Look out for an abundance of lovely ripe blackberries towards the end of the summer holidays. Did you know that in the northeast of England October half term is known as 'Blackberry Week'?
This activity has been provided by
Consider the environmental impact of preparing, carrying out & completing this activity. Could this impact be reduced? Specific considerations for this activity could include:
Follow your usual operating procedures and carry out appropriate risk benefit assessments.
Some considerations particular to this activity include:
(that's if you can manage not to eat them all when you are out picking and have some left!)
Cut some holes in the lid of a reused plastic pot and pop your berries through while you're collecting. If the pot gets dropped they won't all fall out.
Have a look at our tips for foraging. .
Thank you to Mandy from @mudpieadventures
We like to add cold custard!
“Really nice this one & so easy with the granola that doesn’t need any actual cooking!”
Thank you to Sarah from Milford Pre-School Plus
You will need: blackberries, 3 bananas, tin of full fat coconut milk, maple syrup & vanilla essence.
Thank you to @roxannes_little_explorers
Blackberry & apple jam
Mmmm... what's not to like?! A traditional jam recipe for foraged fruits.
Read More about Blackberry & apple jamCampfire orange cakes
A fun, yummy campfire cake activity. Plus, reflections on campfire cooking methods & why these cakes taste SO good!
Read More about Campfire orange cakesForage for your blackberries, pour a cup in a big pan - mash, mash, mash! Pour in some cold water, mash some more. Add fabric (carefully rolled and tied by an adult) and mash in the purple water.
Thank you to @littlepuddlepeople
We love this idea from @ForestSchoolFun - use leaves and blackberry ink (smashed up blackberries) to make silhouette shapes - what other items could you use to make shapes?
@ForestSchoolFun used cotton to print their shapes onto - maybe they made bunting with them. What else could work?
Disclaimer: Muddy Faces cannot take any responsibility for accidents or damage that occurs as a result of following this activity.You are responsible for making sure the activity is conducted safely.