Read More about BirdsA perfect natural bird feeder!
Whether you are getting ready for Big Garden Birdwatch or enjoy watching birds in your setting/garden then this is a fun activity to create an extra treat for the birds this winter.
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Consider the environmental impact of preparing, carrying out & completing this activity. Could this impact be reduced? Specific considerations for this activity could include:
Follow your usual operating procedures and carry out appropriate risk benefit assessments.
Some considerations particular to this activity include:
Find a suitable piece of wood, considering the following factors:
When you have sourced your piece of wood cut it to length if necessary.
Using a palm drill create holes in the piece of wood. This will be easier if the wood is already a bit rotten.
Drill holes next to each other to create a bigger hole and if the wood is rotten you can scrape some of the wood out.
This could be a group activity where everyone takes a turn in creating a hole.
To create bigger holes you could use a carpenter's brace and bit.
You should end up having a piece of wood that looks like a woodpecker has been pecking at it! Also, we noticed that if you tap the wood with the handle of your palm drill to get out the bits of dust then it sounds like a woodpecker too!
Check out our guide to palm drills and drilling a wooden disc for more information on using palm drills.
Soften shop bought fat/suet balls by heating up in a pan or metal bowl near/on your campfire (or in a microwave if you are not in the woods). The balls just need to be a dough-like consistency.
Once the fat is soft, push it into the holes on the log.
There are lots of recipes on the internet if you want to make your own fat balls.
Attach a piece of string to each end of the log to create a loop. You could practise your knot skills and use a clove hitch.
Birds like a bit of shelter for protection near where they are feeding so place near an area they can fly off to and feel safe.
Take part in the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch every January.
We have a 'useful websites' section on the Outdoor Hub all about projects and organisations conserving & supporting birds & their habitats.
Have a browse of our bird resources on the shop - just search 'birds' for dozens of bird trail discs, bird puppets, bird houses, feeders, binoculars and ID books.
Read More about BirdsDisclaimer: Muddy Faces cannot take any responsibility for accidents or damage that occurs as a result of following this activity.You are responsible for making sure the activity is conducted safely.