World Space Week
World Space Week celebrates the contributions of space science & technology to the betterment of the human condition
2024 theme: Space & Climate Change
This theme celebrates the transformative impact of space technology in our ongoing battle against climate change, emphasizing the proactive role space exploration plays in enhancing our understanding and management of Earth’s climate.
Find out more: Theme | World Space Week
Posters & resources: Poster | World Space Week
Muddy Faces pebble aliens activities
How about including these in your space week celebrations?

Pebble alien landing - Activities | Muddy Faces
Pebble creatures - Activities | Muddy Faces
Pebble creature maths - Activities | Muddy Faces
Pebble problem solving & estimation - Activities | Muddy Faces

Or this lovely wooden space set in our shop: Wooden Space Adventure | Muddy Faces
The dates commemorate the launch, on 4 October 1957, of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik I, and the entry into force, on 10 October 1967.