Field Guide - Saltmarsh Plants
This saltmarsh plants field guide would be perfect for early childhood settings and schools. Fold-out charts, designed to help users identify a wide range of plants and animals and support outdoor learning.
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Organised by height above sea level, this chart includes mud flat plants (such as eelgrass andSpartina), lower saltmarsh species (such as sea aster and annual sea blite), upper marsh species (such as common sea-lavender), and a representative guide to the commoner species found above high tide level (such as golden samphire).
The chart is ideal for students who need a quick but reliable key to saltmarsh plant identification as part of fieldwork on saltmarsh succession and zonation. The key uses non-flower features of the plants so it may be used throughout the year - not just when plants are in flower. This chart is suitable for GCSE and AS/A2 fieldwork investigations into a halosere.
Each chart is laminated to make it splash-proof and robust for use outdoors. Clear colour illustrations and text by experts in the subject make these valuable resources for all age groups.