Developing Early Science Skills Outdoors
The only series showing clearly how to plan for outdoor learning. Dedicated activities to develop specific skills and aspects of science. Links to all four British early years curriculum frameworks. Developing Early Science Skills Outdoors aims to provide practitioners with a wealth of practical ideas for how to develop and enhance the outdoor area to facilitate science learning.
- SKU SAR303
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The activities throughout the book are low cost and easy to set up, aiming to reassure practitioners and give them confidence to plan more scientific learning experiences outdoors. This is further supported with planning guidance and resource ideas, as well as advice on observation and assessment, including suggestions for how to reduce the paperwork burden and a useful observation template.
Includes: an introduction to each method, explaining why it is important and outlining the fundamental skills and concepts that underpin it; ideas for adult-led and adult-initiated activities that aim to develop children's early knowledge, skills and understanding; suggestions for how to enhance continuous outdoor provision so that it promotes the use of each method of scientific enquiry; and pointers and tips about teaching science in the early years. Includes ideas for how to involve parents and carers.