The Outdoor Classroom Ages 3-7
Emphasising the importance of continuity for young children, The Outdoor Classroom Ages 3-7 practically demonstrates how early years settings and schools can maximise the learning potential of the outdoor environment.
- SKU CNS211
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The Outdoor Classroom Ages 3-7 by Karen Constable.
Fully updated to take into account the revised EYFS and Key Stage 1 curricula and including new case studies throughout, this second edition encourages teachers and practitioners to examine and reflect on their use of the outside area to ensure they provide rich play opportunities for children that will further their learning regardless of time, space or financial restraints.
Drawing on the Forest School approach, this handy text considers the practical implications for settings using the outdoor classroom and covers:
- the characteristics of effective learning outdoors;
- guidance on timetabling and planning;
- advice on the logistics and health and safety involved;
- tips for navigating parental and staff opposition;
- closely linked theory and practice to assessment;
- the social and emotional aspects of learning.
Full of resources, lesson plans and activities to support rich learning opportunities, this book will inspire you to think creatively about the outside area and use its full potential to bring the outdoors alive with interest, exploration and challenge.