Child of Nature - Rikke Rosengren
Child of Nature evolves around the importance of nature as a healthy and stimulating environment for children's development. Nature has a unique potential as a platform for children to grow and experiment. The book emphasises the immanent curiosity of the child and its natural need for movement and how we can optimise the conditions for children's development outdoors. The possibility of both risky play and sensuous stimulation that nature provides for us, supports the health-promoting pedagogical foundation that is necessary for the healthy development of the child.
The book is relevant for parents and professionals as well as others that might have an interest in the multiple ways in which nature benefits human development.
- SKU RKK1001

Additional Information
- Paperback.
- Has 180 pages and more than 200 colour illustrations.
- It is produced in an environmental friendly manner.
- Written in English.
Happy reading!