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Muddy Faces

Mud Kitchen Bundle

These 3 books provide ideas on how to develop your mud kitchen and make some recipes!

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£33.99 exVAT

  • SKU MFK27
  • Weight 700g
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Included in the bundle:

  • Making a Mud Kitchen by Jan White - This booklet gives ideas on how to develop your mud kitchen, what you might need and how to use it!
  • Mud Pies and other Recipes by Marjorie Winslow. A suggested menu for your next luncheon: Daisy Dip, Dandelion Souffle, Tossed Leaves, Putty Fours, and Iced Rainspout Tea. Never fear, this meal isn’t meant for you - it’s intended as entertainment for your imaginary friends!
  • Mud Kitchens and Beyond by Alison Norman and Janette Smith. This book gives you 50 exciting ideas for investigative play.


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