Moving Outside Bundle
This bundle includes 4 books with activities and ideas for you to try.
- Weight 1.23kg

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Included in the bundle:
- Exercising Muscles and Minds by Marjorie Ouvry - Using examples of good practice, this accessible guide looks at how to plan for outdoor play as part of the whole curriculum and challenges the assumption that playing out of doors is an optional extra that happens only on sunny days.
- Every Child a Mover by Jan White - A practical guide to providing young children with the physical opportunities they need.
- 50 Fantastic ideas for Physical Activity Outdoors by Alistair Bryce Clegg - This book will provide you with lots of ideas to use with children at various stages of their physical development.
- Healthy, Active and Outside by Janice Filer - A guidebook to setting up outdoor physical activities in any Early Years setting.