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Muddy Faces

Published on 17.05.23 in Nature & Muddy Faces

New pond section on the Outdoor Hub

New section offers guides to creating, maintaining and exploring a pond at your school, nursery or outdoor setting.

We love spotting an outdoor-related need and responding to it!

On Twitter this week someone asked for advice about what to do with their school pond "that has been left and leaky but has naturally developed its own eco system."

We didn't know the answer, but we were sure it was out there - so we did some information hunting and gathering and were able to put together a new page in our Outdoor Hub.

Our new ponds page has sections on creating & maintaining a pond, pond dipping, learning & the curriculum, and pond safety.

We've also popped in some links to other sections on the Hub you might find useful, and finally some products in the shop to help you on your way.

Ponds can be a brilliant asset to any school, Forest School, outdoor or Early Years setting - both for the learning and exploration they bring as well as the positive impact on the environment and creation of natural habitats for local wildlife. We hope this information will give you the confidence to refresh or create your pond - and dip your toes in to all that they have to offer!


Ponds can be a brilliant resource for home, school, early years settings and Forest School. The learning opportunities are wide.

Divided into sub sections with links to pond guides; pond dipping; ponds & learning; pond safety.

Read More about Ponds


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