Nature & nature connection
Books, guides & useful websites, Nature Connection & Nature Deficit, research, reports & videos.
Muddy Faces supports the Nature Premium Campaign.
The campaign calls for a Nature Premium to fund regular nature experiences for every child.
The campaign is independent of any organisation but is underwritten by the Forest School Association, it is managed by volunteers who have seen how children benefit from playing in nature.
"We believe that the Nature Premium would improve children’s mental and physical well-being after lockdown and demonstrate a positive investment in their future development as part of the Green Recovery."
Lily Horseman, Chair of the Forest School Association.
Research from Natural England and academics has demonstrated that time in nature:
The Nature Premium, using the Sports Premium model, will engage children and young people in protecting and promoting biodiversity, supporting the development of the UK's natural capital for future economic gain.
How to get involved:
You can
sign the petition
talk to your MP
spread the word
Go to www.naturepremium.org for more information.
Our one stop shop has a diverse selection of practical, educational and inspiring products for all your forest school, outdoor play and learning requirements.
Research shows that contact with the natural world is beneficial to our physical & mental wellbeing.
A nature table can be made from anything, from a basket to one of our specially-made units - what's important is what you gather and what you learn.
Bench made from oak, engraved with a lovely design, with a sweet chestnut shelf, all from sustainable grown UK-wood. Also comes with a nature table sign.
Size: L100 x W50cm x H55cm
Nature Table sign • magnifiers & bug viewers • worm & frog lifecycle • specimen tubes & collecting pots • mini-beasts trail set • discover leaves & seeds set • weather set • woodland animals • Shetland wool • shells & pine cones • baskets & pots - & tons more!
Nature & nature connection
Books, guides & useful websites, Nature Connection & Nature Deficit, research, reports & videos.
Useful websites: nature
Signposting you to the main national bodies, key organisations, initiatives and websites in the world of sustainability, environment, nature & conservation outdoors.
We do our best to keep these links up to date. If you find any broken links, or have a suggestion of a link to add, please email share@muddyfaces.co.uk with ‘links’ in the subject line. Thank you.
Nature Premium
A campaign underwritten by the FSA calling for a Nature Premium to fund regular nature experiences for every child.