Walk Where You May - Tree Council
1 May - 31 May
This year, the Walk In the Woods campaign is called Walk Where You May
Every May is Walk In The Woods month – a time when people across the country celebrate their local trees by getting out to the woods, walking in a local park, or just appreciating tree-lined streets. This year, we may not be able to visit some of the green spaces we usually enjoy. But time spent in nature has never been more important to our mental and physical wellbeing. And nature can be found everywhere – a street tree in new leaf; a flowering window box; your local park. So this Walk In The Woods is going to be Walk Where You May month instead!
Around the country, volunteer Tree Wardens and other champions of local trees will be holding events such as guided walks and tree identification sessions to celebrate Walk In The Woods. Check back nearer the time for more information.
How to get involved.
- Visit and appreciate one tree on your daily exercise. It could be the street tree outside your house, a little hedgerow filled with chirping birds, or the trees in your local woodland or park.
- Share it in a tweet, photo or video using #WalkWhereYouMay to inspire others, especially those who may not be able to get out and about as they usually would.
- Tag three followers to encourage them to take part, too
- ALWAYS observe the latest government social distancing guidelines, even if/when lockdown begins to ease.