National Hedgerow Week

Event Details
- Event Date 06.05.24
- Category Annual/Special Days/Weeks/Months
- Website Website
- Organiser Hedgelink
National Hedgerow Week 2024: Connectivity
Hedgerows are amazing, and they are even more amazing when connected with other hedgerows! Our British landscape is shaped by thousands of miles of hedge; providing wildlife with a sheltered and bountiful highway network; protecting agriculture, whether livestock or crops; creating living boundaries in our towns and cities; and bringing greenery, capturing carbon, and delivering more than a little beauty to our rail lines and roadsides.
Hedgerows need our help
Hedgerows are the often-unsung heroes of the British countryside, yet they form the UK’s largest wildlife habitat, are a major part of our landscape and cultural heritage, and are crucial to halting biodiversity decline and tackling climate change.
Find #MyFaveHedge and tell everyone!
Found a favourite hedge? It could be a magnificent, ancient, perfectly laid, tall, long and broad rural specimen or that cherished hedge that brightens up the car park at the nearby shops. Give it some love! Take a pic and post on your socials, using #MyFaveHedge.
Why are Hedgerows Important?
Hedgerows are unsung biodiversity heroes, as well as connecting habitats, protecting against pollution and helping fight climate change, they provide a home for 80% of our woodland birds, hedgehogs, most species of bat, the great crested newt, dormice and butterflies. We need to protect them!
A well managed or healthy hedgerow provides everything wildlife needs to thrive from a thick nesting place to a diverse food source for mammals and insects. A healthy hedge also means healthy people as they protect us against pollution and improve the looks and feel of our towns and cities bosting our moods and encouraging more healthy ways to travel such as walking and cycling.
Go to the website for free Hedgetalks, planting guidance, healthy hedge tips, tree growers and geed gathering guides and more