International Literacy Day
2024 theme:
Promoting multilingual education:
Literacy for mutual understanding and peace.
In today’s world, in which multilingualism is a common practice for many, empowering people by adopting a first language-based, multilingual approach to literacy development and education is particularly effective for its cognitive, pedagogical, and socio-economic benefits. Such an approach can help promote mutual understanding and respect, while solidifying communal identities and collective histories.
This is a UNESCO international celebration day.
Literacy is a right and empowers people. It opens doors to the enjoyment of other human rights and greater freedoms. Literacy is a foundation on which people can acquire broader knowledge, skills, values and, attitudes and behaviours to foster a culture of sustainability and lasting peace, based on respect for equality and non-discrimination, the rule of law, solidarity, justice, diversity, and tolerance and to build harmonious relations with oneself, other people and the planet.