Mud Pies and Other Recipes - Marjorie Winslow
Written by Marjorie Winslow - Illustrated by Erik Blegvad.
- SKU WNS110

Additional Information
A suggested menu for your next luncheon: Daisy Dip, Dandelion Souffle, Tossed Leaves, Putty Fours, and Iced Rainspout Tea.
Never fear, this meal isn’t meant for you - it’s intended as entertainment for your imaginary friends, a party for dolls, a gift for garden sprites, or as nothing more than a lazy afternoon activity.
“An adorable little book with charming pictures and a deadpan text.” - Publishers Weekly
“When I was about five years old, Granny gave me my first cookbook - Mud Pies and Other Recipes.
Even though it was a pretend cookbook, it somehow persuaded me that real cooking must be fun.”
- Sara Moulton
About this Author:
Marjorie Winslow has lived in Arizona, California, Indiana, New York, and Massachusetts and has found an abundance of doll food everywhere. She is now too old to play with dolls but hopes you aren’t.
Erik Blegvad was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1923. He has illustrated more than one hundred books, including seven written by his wife, Lenore. His memoir, Self-Portrait, was published in 1978.